Huttarian Marriage
         When the bride and groom go up the aisle, they have no assistances, like bridesmaids, flower girls, ring bearers, etc.  But, after church, when the bride goes to her new home, flower girls strew petals on the ground, leading to her new house.

          Weddings are a big event in to a hutterite. Weeks in advance children and older people practice skits, songs, solos etc. And put together Power Points and even schedules to show when each group will perform! These will be acted out at the wedding in honor of the bride and groom.

          A few hours before the wedding someone will call over the loudspeaker that the buem should come to the kitchen or shop or wherever the wedding is to be held, to set up chairs and tables. The diene will then decorate the tables and then all is set for the wedding to begin.

          Next someone calls over the loudspeaker that all should come to the wedding location. All come and happily await the couple to come in and sit down at the head table reserved for them, their relations and the preachers.

          Now everything is set and the festivities begin. Volunteers bring in the food, and jolly voices fill the air, children dart in and out in an effort to join their groups in time to go on the stage. When everything is over they wash up and clean up. By now it is pretty late so (almost) everyone goes home. The wedding is over.   


Hutterite do's and do-not’s for marrying:

-Aren’t allowed to marry if they aren’t baptized.

-Aren’t allowed to marry first cousins or others of a closer relation.

-Aren’t allowed to marry people that aren’t from a colony.

-Are allowed to marry from a different colony.

-Are allowed to invite MANY people from different colonies.